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A Quality System Approach for Spa Businesses
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| On
My Mind
have been an integral part of Julie Register's personal and business life for over 18 years. The following articles were inspired by her experiences at and
observations of spas over the years.
there is a topic you would like Julie to write about, email her at jar@DiscoverSpas.com.

According to Wikipedia, some find the expression "No Problem" - particularly when employed in the service industry - to be rude, implying that a reasonable request could have been received as problematic or unwelcome. That would be me. I find the use of this expression unprofessional, juvenile, flippant and thoughtless что посмотреть в Минводах. And rude. According to Alva Noë, a philosopher at the University of California, Berkeley, it's worse than that. "It seems to me that using No Problem...calls attention to the negative, the problems, the inconveniences, the good deed and, so, it swells the one getting thanked and diminishes the one thanking. It negates the gratitude by transforming into debt and apology." Read More...
~Julie |
There are many different massage modalities, and each has a different effect on the body. Unless you are a therapist or an experienced consumer (like me) who has tried them all, it's hard to know which one to select. Therefore, most people choose Swedish, which I think of as the safe, generic, soothing massage modality. There are times when Swedish is the perfect massage for the moment, but there are other times when another modality would be more appropriate and effective...hence the need for a guide. I confess that I never got around to creating one. The team at PhysioComesToYou has come to the rescue! Click HERE to see their massage selection guide, which is great for spa consumers as well as for spa reservationists to use as a job aid to help Guests make the right selection for their massage appointments.
~Julie |
Georgia (Spas) On My Mind
I just finished searching through 532 towns in Georgia in an attempt to discover all of the spas in the state - the largest state east of the Mississippi. I found 116 towns with spas - a total of 320 spas all together, which are now included in the DiscoverSpas.com spas in Georgia directories. As I was going through the Georgia spas' web sites, I discovered some that I found particularly interesting and have added to my list of spas that I would like to visit some day. I have experienced over a dozen spas in Georgia over the years. Most were in or near Atlanta, and I enjoyed all of them. Sadly, a few of the spas I experienced no longer exist including two that were particularly memorable. Read more...
~Julie |
28% Survived
I spent the last few months updating some of the DiscoverSpas.com spa directories. In the directories that I reviewed, I discovered that out of over 3,000 spas, only 28% of the spas listed a decade ago are still in business today. In other words, 72% of those spa businesses failed. Read more.
~Julie |
Milton, Delaware: Dogfish Head Brewery and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge
I enjoyed the beer-themed spa treatments at The Lodge at Woodloch that featured Delaware's Dogfish Head beer. Shortly after I returned from my stay at the spa, I headed to Milton, Delaware. Read about my visit to Dogfish Head Brewery and the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge.
~Julie |
Rare Coastal Dune Lakes
We took our vacation with our friends since college in South Walton County in Florida. We soon learned that in addition to sugar-white sand beaches and beautiful, clear, turquoise water in the Gulf of Mexico, the area is the home to 15 of the ~25 coastal dune lakes in the world. Read about these rare lakes and see photos of the area.
~Julie |
On the Robert Trent Jones Golf and Spa Trail in Alabama
The Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail is a collection of public championship-caliber golf courses in Alabama designed by Robert Trent Jones, Sr. created to produce income for the pension fund for employees of the state of Alabama. There are 11 sites, 26 courses and 468 holes on the RTJ Golf Trail. There are also 8 resorts, 5 of them with spas - the RTJ Spa Trail. Read about my experience at three of the Robert Trent Jones Golf and Spa Trail properties.
~ Julie |
I have many things to thank the spa industry for including the wonderful spa treatments I have received over the years, making me more aware of breathwork, mindfulness, intention and gratitude and exposing me to yoga among others. I can also thank the spa industry for my interest in ethnobotany. Read more...
Most spas have rules about noise in the spa. They ask Guests to turn off their cell phones and speak in quiet voices. These rules are a common courtesy to other guests at the spa and help maintain the spa ambiance. Many spas say that in their policies. I think my favorite is from Spa Ojai at Ojai Valley Inn & Spa, which states in its spa FAQs: Freedom Zone - The Spa Village is recognized as a Freedom Zone - free from cell phones, pets, smoking and disquieting behavior. I like the integrity. This is not only stated on the web site and brochure, it is posted at the entrance to the spa (picture above). The intent is fabulous. I especially like freedom from "disquieting behavior." That says so much more than asking guests to talk softly. Read More...
Lessons from a TV Reality Show
I watched the CBS TV reality show Undercover Boss for the first time last week because it featured Massage Heights, a family-owned membership-model massage franchise company based in San Antonio, Texas that offers massages and facials. In this show, Massage Heights cofounder and Chief Operating Officer Shane Evans visited “retreats” in four locations and performed a different job with a mentor at each. Read about the issues she found, actions she promised to take to solve the issues and the opportunities that were not taken (what I would like to have seen done).
~Julie |
The 2013 ISPA Conference - A Few things I Question: Provider/Priority Booking - Where is the GUEST?? While I always find great inspiration, knowledge and data at the ISPA conferences, at the 2013 conference I heard presentations from two of the Innovate award winners about provider/priority booking that made me pause. The programs clearly focused on the spas and staff. My question is Where is the Guest considered in all of this? I never heard guests mentioned. Read More...
~Julie |
Microbeads, Pollution and System Thinking
In my article, Microbeads, Pollution and a Call to Action, I discussed my own realization that the facial and body exfoliants I personally use may contain tiny plastic microbeads that wash down the drain and ultimately pollute our rivers, lakes and oceans. I was particularly dismayed because it is a system issue, and it never crossed my mind until I read that article. This article discusses how system thinking could have prevented the plastic microbead pollution problem. Read More...
~Julie |
Microbeads found in the Great Lakes
Photo courtesy of 5gyres.org
Microbeads, Pollution and a Call to Action While I was reading the newspaper on my deck on a beautiful Sunday morning in August, a headline grabbed my attention, "Masses of plastic particles found in Great Lakes." I knew there were enormous islands of plastic refuse in the earth's oceans, but I was not aware of problems in our lakes. According to John Flesher's AP article, "while it's unknown where the ocean plastic came from, microscopic examination of Great Lakes samples has produced a smoking gun: many particles are perfectly round pellets. The scientists suspect they are abrasive "micro beads" used in personal care products such as facial and body washes and toothpaste." I gasped. How many times have I used a body scrub during my bath or facial exfoliatant at the sink and just sent the rinse water containing those little beads down the drain without a thought about what happens to that plastic? READ MORE...
~ Julie |
I've been thinking more about gratuities at spas - Are tips optional?, How much should I tip? and Why is is hard to leave a tip sometimes? I've made a short list of Tipping Tips. Most spas have a page on their web site listing their policies and helpful information that will make a guest's experience go more smoothly including their policies on gratuities, but there is more you should know. Read this article for more information about gratuity policies...
~ Julie |
One spa cancellation policy states "A 24-hour cancellation notice is required for all appointments or you will be billed for 100% of your service and gratuity." Wow! ...and gratuity... This is the first time I've seen this. Frankly, I find this policy offensive. Gratuities should be voluntary and the amount given should reflect the quality of a service. I just bristle at a spa charging a "gratuity" when no service has been given. Read this article for more information about cancellation policies...
~ Julie
Some of the worst spas I have experienced have been located in high-end, luxury, award-winning hotels and resorts Each of these spas had at least two of the following problems:
- Horrible customer service,
- Poorly trained service providers,
- Unclean and/or unsanitary facilities,
- Decor and furnishings not up to the standard off the hotel or resort.
I couldn't understand how the hotel or resort could offer the spa to its guests. I didn't know until later that the spa was leased from the hotel or resort, and the hotel/resort had no control over any part of the spa business. BUT IT SHOULD. These sub-par spas lowered my opinion of and have forever tainted my impression of the hotels and resorts in which they were located. The spa, whether or not operated directly by the property, affects the property's reputation. READ MORE...
~ Julie |
Discount vs. Reward
In my opinion, offering guests discounted prices on spa services is a bad practice for a spa. I think of it as a process that actively and aggressively erodes the spa's business potential. It is part of a downward spiral that could eventually lead to the demise of a spa. In contrast, rewarding spa guests - new and loyal - for the
that builds the spa business (such as purchasing services and products, rebooking and referrals) is positive reinforcement, encourages growth and ultimately benefits both the spa and the guest. Read more...
~Julie |
Birds, Manatees, Alligators, Tree Frogs and Snakes
I finally experienced BETAR (Bio Energetic Transduction Aided Resonance) at The Spa at Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa - something I had wanted to do for years (Read my Review). While Fort Myers offered a spa experience I thoroughly enjoyed, I was surprised to find it had so much more to offer. The Fort Myers area has easy access to a number of unique wildlife parks, sanctuaries, preserves and refuges where you can see an incredible number and variety of birds, manatees, alligators and more. I visited about a half dozen of these nature centers (a few of them more than once). I highly recommend them all at the right time of year. March was perfect. Read more to find information about these nature centers along with some photos I took.
~Julie |
Spa Sanitation
It is simply a fact that spas have a unique need and obligation to provide a clean and sanitary environment for their guests. The risk of not doing a consistently spectacular job in this area is absolutely enormous to both the spa's guests and the business itself.
Read this article to find out how spas can know well they are sanitizing their facilities as well as information about the extremely effective and environmentally friendly "Aqueous Ozone" Sanitizing System. Read more...
~Julie |
Spas for Couples
As Valentine's Day approaches, I have been thinking of spas that I would like to experience with my husband. I've come up with a short list that includes spas that we have already enjoyed together and those that I have experienced alone but would like to return to with Jeff. I haven't included spas that simply have treatment rooms with two massage tables (not that there is anything wrong with them) or spas that I have never stepped foot in. I wanted to focus on those spas that I know from my first-hand knowledge have unique facilities that are especially suited for couples spending time together as well as services that are well designed for couples. Click HERE to read about my top recommendations.
~Julie |
Linda gave me Angel Cards for my birthday. I hadn't heard of them before. I wasn't really excited about receiving them. It felt like another obligation...one more thing to add to my already unmanageable list of things to do. Sigh. I decided that, rather than re-gift them as Linda had given me permission to do, I would give them a try. I would look at a new card every week. Surely I could manage that.
~Julie |
Spa Product Packaging
I am a bath person (as opposed to a shower person). Bath time for me is my relaxing time. It is also my waking up, recharging and energizing time. While I soak, I think about things for which I am grateful. I plan out my day. I think about challenges and solve problems. While in the bath, I love to use bath products - shower gels, foaming bath liquids, bath salts, bath oils, salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, etc. Over the years, I've probably tried hundreds of different products along with a myriad of bottles, jars and pouches that contain them. Some of the packaging actually makes using the product difficult or has labeling that is misleading. It makes me wonder if the brand name companies or the spas that use private label companies to formulate and package their own brand of products ever actually try to use what they sell. In this article, I discuss three examples of packaging issues I've found. There have been others.
~Julie |
The 2012 ISPA Conference - A Few things I Question: Comments on Surveys, Focus Groups, Intake Forms and Spa Reception
While I always find great inspiration, knowledge and data at the ISPA conferences, at the 2012 conference I heard a few statements in a couple of the presentations that I question. I understand that the speakers shared from their hearts and believed what they said is true. However, on the four points below, I don't agree with them. With the hope of presenting another point of view, click here to read the comments and my take on them.
~Julie |
Outdoor Yoga Near and Far
I enjoy traveling, and I've had the good fortune to visit many beautiful places all over the world in my quest for spa experiences. One of the activities I often try at spas is yoga. I am not a serious practitioner, but I do enjoy it - especially outdoors in spectacular locations.
My first yoga class was outdoors at Enchantment Resort in Sedona, Arizona. There was something special about the stillness of the air, the beauty of the rock formations and the energy of this place...Read more...
~Julie |
Best Massage Practices
I've been thinking about what makes the difference between a good massage and an
excellent massage. In this article, I've included a rather long list of things
that, in my opinion, are required for a good massage. While, all together,
they will usually result in a good massage, they don't necessarity result in an
excellent massage. I find it's the special touches that transform a good massage
experience into an excellent massage experience. Therefore, I've also listed
some of the best practices I've experienced that resulted in an excellent
massage for me. Unlike the first list, where almost everything is necessary to
create a good massage, sometimes it only takes one or two items in the second
list to make the massage exceptional.
~Julie |
I've wanted to visit Pasaquan, an environmental art site near Beuna Vista, Georgia, created by Eddie Owens Martin, a.k.a. St. EOM. He financed his art by telling fortunes. He said his key to success at fortune telling was "good manicured nails." The only link to spas is that I cancelled a spa appointment in order to see Pasaquan on the only day of the month it was open. I guess art can feed the soul and sooth the spirit - that's spa-like, isn't it? Read more...
I've been thinking about the spa experience again. This time it was due to my decision to change where I get my pedicures. Personally, I've classified pedicures and manicures in my mind under grooming - much like getting my hair cut or my teeth cleaned. Not really relaxing. Not really a spa experience. I may have changed my mind on that. Read More...
~Julie |
Impulsive Marketing
There is an order in which things should be done in a spa business. Creating and executing a strategy, defining processes, hiring and training staff, performing the processes, getting feedback, making corrections, ensuring the spa delivers what it intends and, finally, marketing. In this order, guests will see the spa in its best light. If marketing is done impulsively or eagerly any time earlier, the spa risks guests seeing and experiencing things it would rather not have them share with their 600 best friends on Facebook. Read More...
I wish they wanted to know.
I told the spa director about standing water in the steam room. She said there was nothing she could do about it. I didn't tell her about the other problems I encountered in her spa. Why bother? She didn't ask and didn't want to know. I wish she was the only one who hasn't asked me for feedback. Sadly, of the hundreds of spas that I have been to, the vast majority don't ask - I'd guess over 95%. Knowledge is power. If they don't ask, they can't know what their guests know. If they don't know what their guests know, they can't take action to fix the problems that the Guests have encountered. Are they afraid to know the truth? Do they not want to know? Do they simply not care? Do they believe the only problem is their Guest? Read more...
~Julie |
~Julie |
Food for Face and Body
Fall is the time of year that pumpkin takes center stage in many spas that offer seasonal treatments. Personally, I love the warm, comforting aroma of pumpkin facials, wraps, scrubs and massages. I especially like the fact that they are based on a natural ingredient - one that is not only safe to eat but good for skin. This article talks about the benefits pumpkin provides to the skin, a few pumpkin treatments being offered around the country and a recipe to use at home.
A Driving Tour of Historic Springs in West Virginia and Virginia
The Virginias are loaded with springs/resorts/spas that were in use as far back as the 1700's. Once grand, some are now mere wet spots in fields, some have buildings that still exist but are in various states of decay and some are still welcoming visitors and providing the same treatments they have for centuries. Join me as I discover nine of these historic sites.
Themes and Rituals
Spas use themes and rituals to set themselves apart from other spas. They are often part of the branding and create a focus for everything the spa offers. Themes and rituals are great if they have integrity and are used consistently. Without those two elements, I find that they are actually a detriment to a spa. Read about my experiences with spa themes and rituals.
The Beginning
In July 2011, I entered into the 15th year of providing information about spas via my web site. As I reflect on the path my life has taken over those years, I gratefully think of three people who I encountered early in my introduction to spas. Had it not been for them, I doubt that I would have fully appreciated or had any interest in learning more about all that spas can offer. Read about my spa beginnings.
An Open Apology to the Taxpayers of Delaware
Dear Taxpayers of Delaware,
I feel I owe you an apology. Two years ago, I sent a letter to the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation. My intention was to help them make spas, salons and nail shops safer places for their manicure and pedicure clients. The letter inadvertently set into motion events that, in my opinion, were a waste of our tax dollars. But more importantly, it completely failed to make these places any safer. For these shortcomings, I sincerely apologize. Read about the pedicure that started it all and the actions that followed.
~Julie |
14 MORE Lessons on How NOT to Run a Spa Feb 25, 2011 - I wrote 10 Lessons on How NOT to Run a Spa almost four years ago. In the article, I shared the story of a salon that I had gone to for over 23 years and the spa experience that made me leave forever. It was a lesson in how NOT to run a spa business for spa leaders and what NOT to put up with for spa consumers. It has turned out to be one of the most popular articles I've written.
After having a few poor experiences at spas using Groupon, BuyWithMe and LivingSocial internet discounts, I think it's time to offer 14 MORE lessons on how NOT to run a spa.
SHRINKING SERVICES: Short, Mini and Express
I first heard about shrinking services A few years ago. Short, 20-30 minute services were one of the big marketing strategies that spas were using to fight the poor economy. Spas proclaimed:
- Maximum results in 30 minutes or less
- Our express services are perfect for a time-crunched luxury
- Mini services for your lunch break
- Short services for when you are pressed for time
- If you're in a hurry, our express spa is perfect for you
- In a rush? Select from our 25-minute menu.
At the time, I shook my head and thought that these short, mini and express services were lose-lose situations for both spa guests and spa businesses. Read about why I had this opinion and if it's changed over time.
~ Julie |
I don't know if there is an "official" definition of spa cuisine. I think of it as low calorie, low fat, highly flavored, densely nutritious, minimally processed and thoughtfully sourced food with no artificial flavors or preservatives. A regrettably low percentage of spas offer it. However, Sofitel Luxury Hotels is taking a leadership position in bringing healthy cuisine to their guests - all their guests, not only those at their spas. Read More...
~ Julie |
DiscoverSpas.com Nice Touch! Awards - A Few of My Favorite Spa Products
Years ago I used to bestow my "Nice Touch!" award to spas that provided outstanding facilities and experiences. This year I have been inspired to compile my Nice Touch! list once again - but this time for the spa products that I like best from head to toe. Read More...
~ Julie |
THE SPA SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
Spa leaders who are committed to controlling their guests' experiences run their spas by using standard operating procedures (SOPs) / protocols. By following the SOPs, the spa team members consistently create the environment and experience that were intended by the spa's owners and executive management. SOPs capture the spa's unique "magic." But the magic only happens when the SOPs are followed by each spa team member every time. That doesn't always happen. Read more...
~ Julie |
This month I share my experience at the NY ISPA Media Event as well as the results of their newest industry study in ISPA Media Event - News and The Big Five. I also note the increase in new spas and spa makeovers in Spa Investment - A (hopeful) Sign of the Times? and I comment about a spa I visited years ago in South Beach that was featured last year in the Bravo reality show, Tabitha's Salon Takeover, and has recently made some changes in Just Cosmetic?
... Read more.
~Julie |
This month I ponder over three very different subjects
- - CND"s (Creative Nail Design) new Shellac Hybrid Nail Color,
- Fixed recline seats and - The intentions and attentions of wrongful
lawsuits. ... Read more.
~Julie |
find my personal favorite and most rejuvenating spa experiences have been those
in which the key ingredient was water - listening to it flow, being immersed in
it, feeling its support, losing the boundaries between the body and the water,
feeling tension dissipate and losing the sense of time. These were not rushed
experiences. I was able to linger. Tabacón
Grand Spa and Thermal Resort in Costa Rica, Toskana
Therme in Germany, One
Spa in Scotland and The
Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa in North Carolina spring to mind, but there
are many others.
LABYRINTH May 2010 was comfortably cool and moist, and I could not
resist working in my yard. In the large clearing next to the stream, I bundled
and bagged 10 years worth of sticks and leaves that had been collected and dumped
from the rest of the yard. It occurred to me that the space in which I was working
was almost perfectly circular, and the idea for my own labyrinth took shape. Read
~Julie |
EXPERIENCE - Part 1There is something I find missing at a lot
of day spas (and some hotel spas) with more and more frequency: - Time and
a quiet, comfortable place to decompress before the treatment. - Time and a
quiet, comfortable place to recompress - to savor the treatment, recover, reawaken
and slowly emerge from the super-relaxed state. These are essential
elements of the spa experience. No matter how great the treatment or service is,
it is diminished by not having this time and a quiet, comfortable place in which
to spend it.
DISCOUNT Everyone likes a deal, right? Maybe not everyone. Find out
how the practice of discounting (weekly specials, web promotions, coupons, etc.)
can anger clients, demotivate treatment providers and devastate the finances of
a spa.
~Julie |
UPSELL Imagine lying on a treatment table in a lovely Spa ready to
have that facial you've been looking forward to. You're settled in. The light
is low. You're warm. You're comfortable. Soft music is playing. You're relaxed.
The esthetician gently knocks on the door to see if you're ready. She quietly
comes in. You hear her wash her hands. You hear her making preparations for the
facial. But before starting the facial, she first makes you suffer through THE
~Julie |
10 Lessons on How NOT to Run a Spa and A Bad Hair Day
I've been going to the same high-end salon for over 23 years. Years ago, this salon, like so many others, added a "spa." For a variety of reasons, I have not felt compelled to visit this spa in the past. In April, I had a change of heart and decided to give it a try. This article recounts my experience. For you, dear reader, it is a lesson in how NOT to run a spa business if you are a spa owner/director and what NOT to put up with if you are a spa consumer. For me, it is a lesson to trust my instincts. The names are withheld to protect the guilty.
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Just Released!
In The Grand Spas of Central Europe, historian David Clay Large follows the grand spa story from Greco-Roman antiquity to the present, focusing especially on the years between the French Revolution and World War II, a period in which the major Central European Kurorte (literally, cure-towns) reached their peak of influence and then slipped into decline.

Northern Lights for the Soul
Four-day program in Kilpisjärvi, Finland includes yoga, meditation, a special wellness nutrition menu, and other fitness and wellness activities.
March 7-11, 2016
$2,158 USD

The Ultimate Ashford Escape Spa Package
Ashford Castle, County Mayo, Ireland
prices from €930 (approx. US$1,063)
• Two nights' in a Corrib Standard Room
• Breakfast in the George V dining room
• Bottle of Champagne and chocolate-dipped strawberries in room on arrival
• One dinner for two in the George V dining room
• Ashford's Signature B|Together Spa Experience -- designed to add positive love energy to relationships
• Healthy post-spa lunch in the Drawing Room
• Access to the relaxation pool, steam room and gymnasium
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